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  • Solutions for learning from everyday work.

    "Use the eyes of the people who face the risk every day to build a culture of continuous learning into your risk management system by leveraging existing resources and processes across all operations.",

    Brent Sutton, Founder - Learning Teams Inc.

  • Frontline worker
    ​insights to identify
    ​psychosocial risks.

    Providing a simple and engaging process to allow frontline teams to provide insights

    and learn from everyday work and for the organization to see “Weak Signal Outliers”

    of present or emerging psychosocial risks.

  • Live dashboards providing
    ​better insights of everyday work.

    We provide a system with highly customisable dashboards that can be configured
    to match the organization’s requirements and learning needs. 
    The dashboards can be configured to stakeholder groups to provide specific data views.
  • Frontline worker
    ​insights to managing
    ​critical and dynamic


    Providing a simple and engaging process to allow frontline teams to provide 

    insights and learn from everyday work and for the organization to see the 

    “Weak Signals” of critical and dynamic risks.

  • Building critical thinking and reflection skills.

     The 4D “thinking frame” is for worker to critically appraise the current situation rather than just evaluate and report. Most safety interventions and reporting systems are evaluative, meaning that the worker is making judgment of something using the assessment tools from their past knowledge and experiences or documents on hand.

  • Frontline worker
    ​insights to managing
    ​the risks of routine

    Providing a simple and engaging process to allow frontline teams to provide insights and learn

    from the regularity of everyday work and for the organization to see the “Weak Signals” of that

    work and the changing or emerging risks that are hidden in routine work. 

Register your interest and download the solution outline
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Focus on how work is done

Operational learning "Blue line/Black line" exists in normal everyday successful work. 

Everyday Learning Teams involves a way to gather intelligence from the opportunities that are presented by everyday work for both frontline teams and the organization.  Frontline teams have an opportunity with Everyday Learning Teams to improve through an intentional learning process and better understanding of operational learning that occurs between “Work As Imagined” (WAI) and “Work As Done” (WAD). 
Learn More

We deliver a simple and engaging process to allow frontline teams to provide insights, learn from everyday work and support self-improving teams.

Everyday Learning Teams, recognise that learnings that frontline teams gain from operational learning, happen in micro-changes or small amounts, daily. 

Where as, organizational learning happens in macro-changes, being a more substantial amount of information, by analysing the business intelligence gained from Everyday Learning Teams to determine if a further deep dive is needed by conducting a Management of Change or Periodic Learning Team.

A weak signal is seen as a seemingly random or disconnected piece of information that at first appears to be background noise but can be recognised as part of a significant pattern by viewing it through a different frame or connecting it with other pieces of information.

Our Work

Learning Teams Inc support organizations to embed and sustain HOP and Learning Teams principles.  We have published a series of books on these subjects and produce a podcast show to support building a better community of practice.

Learning Teams Inc supports Pay It Forward. Being transparent about our commercial work and our work to grow the wider community is a key value we aspire to. Our podcast shows, Learning Teams Community website and free resources, form part of our Pay It Forward programme.